Bosch model number
You will find the information directly on the tool's name plate. Our tip: Use the 10-digit tool type number when searching, as this is your tool's unique identifier. If the tool's name plate is no longer legible, you can also search using the tool name. You can double check on Bosch Spare part website to see your part number and model here Bosch Spare Part Checker

Makita model number
The Makita model number are found on the side of the machine on a name plate shown below but this varies depending on the type of power tool. If you are in double just give us a call or email us a photo of your name plate.

Dewalt model number
Dewalt power tool model number can be found in the samples below, you should also take note of your Type Number as different machines a same model number but the Type Number comes in various versions e.g Type 1, 2, 3 ,4 etc and this may sound less important to you but in fact it's a vital piece of information to ensure we supply the correct replacement Dewalt carbon brushes to you.

Hitachi ( Koki) model number
Hitachi power tool model number can be found in the sample shown below on the Green plate but this may differ from tool to tool.

Evolution model numbers
Below are a few examples of what the Evolution Chop Saw model number plates will look like depending on the product year as the design changes. As the models number names are sometimes similar you need to ensure you know the exact name of your chop saw as Evolution RAGE 3 and Evolution RAGE 3S look similar but in fact have different size carbon brushes.